IA2 Query on DB

Create Query on BaSTI DB

How to use the interface


Fill the interface fields with the values by which you want to search and check the boxes which you want to visualize in the result table.
Then push the Search button or if you want to personalize your query in SQL press the Go button.

For example:
you can search for AGE min=2.20 and max=3.50, but not select its checkBox because you don't want to see the AGE column in the result table.

Additional info:
- BaSTI Help
Data type: Scenario:
Age: (Gyr)

min: max:

Mass: (Msun)

min: max:


min: max:


min: max:


min: max:


min: max:

Type: Mass loss:
Photometric system: Mixture:
Advanced Search
Code version: FRANECPCS Rad. opacity:
Show selected fields.        Personalize SQL:      
  Powered by IA2 (INAF - Teramo Astronomical Observatory)
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